Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Chapter Four - Books


1.How many books have you read?

50% Yes 50% No

2. How many books have you read in the last six months?

Answers ranged from 0-20 (mostly , the average equals out to be 7.5 books per person.

3. What types of books have you read?

Top Three Answers:
1. Fantasy
2. Science Fiction
3. Mystery and Classics

•What does this tell you about your sample and society?

This tells me that there is a wide range of people who do read books often and who don't. Those who read more had a wider range of books they read. On the other hand those who read only a few books only had a few genres they liked.
As for society (if this sample is an accurate refelction), this sample shows that most people read five books or more a year. Those who read more tend to be more inclinded toward majors or jobs that emphasize literatue. Those who pursure other interests tend to read less.

Regular Textbooks vs. Electronic Textbooks

I would rather use regular textbooks in classes. With a real textbook I can highlight important concepts and make notes in the margins. But looking at a computer screen makes my eyes tired after a while and it’s harder to stay focused. When I’m reading I like physically seeing and feeling how many pages I have left and you can’t do that with electronic textbooks. And not only that, I don’t have to worry about my batteries dying when I’m in the middle of a chapter. Regular textbooks are also more durable then electronic ones; they can handle water and food spills better.

Which would you prefer for your leisure reading?

As for leisure reading I’d rather have a physical book as well. Reading something online is not the same experience as holding a physical copy in your hand; you can’t smell the pages or hear them turn. And after staring at a computer screen for a long time my eyes start to hurt. I personally don’t like reading long passages online, given the choice I always choose a regular book.


Becca said...

Yay! I'm in this one! Kinda.

Ashley and Trent said...

I think you have a great blog. However, you do not answer the questions with a lot of depth. I think for future entries try to answer a little deeper. Overall, great! 29/30.

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